10 Home Remedies For Better Digestion


Digestion is a long-processed mechanism of body that involves mechanical breakdown of administered foodstuffs in mouth, via salivary enzymes, to chemical dissolution and absorption, as the particles move through the digestive organs. The processes are sometimes affected by unwanted intake and hurt our normal working of the system.

The wise would then think of how to improve the digestive system and upon realizing the rightful, practices the remedial approach. Home remedies for digestion come to our rescue as they are easily available.

  1. Ginger
    As Ginger possesses anti-bacterial properties; it is one of the best home remedies for gas and acidity issues.
  • Taking the mixture of spoonful ginger juice with honey before your daily meal aids to better digestion.
  • Post-meals, drinking Ginger-mixed hot-water to clean the digestive tract is a great method to digest. 
  1. Asafoetida
    Asafoetida is one of the best home remedies for gas treatment.
  • Having strong odour and taste, it is advisable to use pinch of Asafoetida powder in daily cooking like dal(lentil soup)and vegetable
  • Mixture of pinch of Asafoetida powder, black salt and Water post your meal helps digestion.
  1. Peppermint and Lemon
    Peppermint as a herb is antiseptic and Lemon, by acidic nature, contributes to quicker healing.
  • A glassful mixture of few Peppermint leaves and half a Lemon juice after some-while of meal or early morning acts as a precautionary step to digestive issues.
  1. Banana
    The Potassium in Banana maintains itself, while suffering from diarrhea, if it is taken regularly.
  • Daily one Banana, either with milk or plain, is enough to smoothen the bowel-release
  1. Curd or Yoghurt
    Yoghurt contains good bacteria called Lactobacilli that improves digestion and avoids constipation.
  • Mixing Yoghurt with Honey is advisable rather than using sugar to sweeten it.
  1. Beetroot
    Fiber, Magnesium and Potassium content of Beetroot prevents constipation and other stomach issues like bloating and pain.
  • Consume Beetroot either in raw as well as cooked or juice form; it is a beneficial home remedy for digestion.
  1. Eating Habits
    Some of the following eating habits to be maintained for stable digestive process,
  • Take meals at the right hour. Avoid procrastination when stomach yearns to fulfill itself
  • Avoid skipping meals due to work-schedules
  • Take a short walk post meal rather than immediately getting back to the chore.
  1. Fresh Organic Foods
  • Consume fruits like Apple, Orange, Pear, etc. before heading for meal-courses (approximately 30 minutes) as it will prepare the organs to be digestion-ready
  • Eating fruits early morning is the right thing to undertake as a measure towards how to improve digestive system
  1. Fennel Seeds
    Fennel seeds provide a peculiar taste to a food item. It is an effective solution to indigestion.
  • Mixing Fennel seeds in water cools the internal organs, that renders it as great remedy for gastric problems
  • Add Fennel seeds in desserts so as to make its intake regularly possible
  1. Chew Thoroughly
  • The digestive action initiates in mouth via enzymes produced by salivary glands, therefore it is vital to properly chew food before swallowing
  • It is said to chew our morsel 32 times, although it depends on the kind of food you eat, chewing it enough is significant.

Digestion is indispensable for the foodstuffs to convert into energy, the important aspect for lively approach to living. Thus, the right conduct of eating plays an important role. Despite the home remedies for digestion taken, if the adverse condition does not heal, it is necessary to consult a Doctor.

About author


Urvi Chheda

Urvi Chheda is a Visual Artist and Writer based in Mumbai, India. She excessively pens her thoughts, through diligent analysis and research, on the subjects of Art, History, Health and Fitness, Travel and Culture. She is also a passionate Climber and Marathoner.

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