10 Ways to Loose Weight Without Exercise


Do you want to lose some pounds but too lazy to do a workout?
Well, who doesn’t want to drop off some extra calories to fit into those favorite clothes that you could fit in years back but now looks like getting wasted in your closet?

Yeah! I know this is something on everybody’s wish list these days to lose some weight without the burnouts. So, here is a step-by-step process, follow it regularly, and get your dreams be real.

  1. Wake up early: Rising up with the sun retains the body’s natural order and avoids the hormonal imbalance. As per studies, if the circadian rhythm (body’s natural clock) gets altered due to changes in daily routine, it causes hormonal imbalance, one of the reasons for abnormal weight gain. Also, staying awake for late causes a desire for midnight munching on snacks; a reason for the extra calorie intake.
  2. Drink cold water: First thing you should do in morning is drinking two glasses of ice chilled water. Cold water renders the body maintaining the temperature by burning extra calories.
  3. Drink green tea/green coffee: Green tea and green coffee have the natural tendency of detoxifying the body and helps in reducing some weight, not immediately but slowly. So drinking two cups a day is quite helpful in the weight loss.
  4. Drink Honey/lime/cinnamon water: Honey, lemon, and cinnamon have the natural tendency of burning calories and have been very helpful in reducing weight. It can be difficult to consume three of it together because of strong taste, but losing weight without the workout, wouldn’t be that easy right?
  5. Go vegan: The fat consumed from vegetable oils is easier to digest than the animal fat which is hard to burn without exercise. So, going vegetarian would be a better option.
  6. Never skip meals: It has become our habit of skipping meals during busy work schedule, a major reason of our eating disorder. Skipping meals signals the brain that body is fasting and therefore it starts storing more fats and slowing the metabolism and causing weight gain.
  7. Eat small: Reducing the size of the meal but increasing the number of meals helps in burning calories fast and increases the metabolic rate which helps in less fat accumulation.
  8. Avoid junk: Major culprit for fat gain is junk food, especially eating bread. Bread is easy to digest and therefore gets metabolized at a faster rate, makes your stomach feel empty and the feeling of eating more, consuming additional calories. And every additional calorie intake is stored as extra fat in the body.
  9. Eat proteins: The proteinaceous diets keep you full for a longer time and resist the urge of compulsory eating. Thus, helps in keeping the body fat at the check and is easy to metabolize.
  10. Don’t be lazy: Instead of taking a rickshaw for work, take a walk, take stairs instead of the lift, and force yourself to do menial activities which help in burning calories. After, all losing weight without efforts isn’t going to be easy, still easier than a workout.

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